Monday, 14 February 2011

Studying in Canada

Thank you for choosing Canada as your study destination, there are a number of important steps to follow in order to apply to a Canadian institution.

1. CHOOSE PROGRAMS OF STUDY that match your educational goals, language needs, and geographical preference. Each institution’s web site and International Office are your best sources for information on admission requirements, programs, housing, health care, financial
programs, tuition and other costs, orientation and language programs, and other essential information. Look beyond the immediately recognizable names with the assurance
that Canada offers you a high quality education—all you need to do is find the right fit, the right place and program for your unique interests.

– Each institution sets its own admissions criteria, so do your research with great care. Note that there is no national set of entrance exams for universities—instead, your prior academic records will be reviewed as part of the admissions process. In some provinces, you can apply
to multiple post-secondary institutions through a central application service while in others you must apply to each institution separately. Email applications are now widely accepted.

Remember that the admissions process for most programs is very competitive so it’s best to apply to more than one institution in case you’re not accepted by your first choice.

3. VERIFY LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS – International students who want to study at the post-secondary level in Canada must demonstrate proficiency in either English or French, depending on the college or university. This may involve writing tests such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or Test de français international (TFI). Francophone universities in Quebec will require students who have not studied in French before to take
an exam. Many institutions offer English or French as a Second Language programs to international students who do not already have language proficiency.

4. APPLY EARLY – Deadlines vary, but in general you should apply at least 8 months prior to the start date of your desired program. Make sure your application is complete and accurate. Submit all the documents requested as soon as possible to avoid delays in the processing
of your application.

5. OBTAIN A STUDY PERMIT – In order to study in Canada for any program longer than six months, you will need to apply for a study permit from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) well before you plan to arrive in Canada. To study in Quebec, you also must have a Certificate of Acceptance from the Province of Quebec. Depending on your country of origin you may also need a temporary resident visa. As part of your application for a study permit, you will need to show that you have been accepted by a Canadian educational institution and meet other requirements to enter Canada: you will need to show that you have enough funds to support yourself during the time you are studying in Canada, and you may need to go through medical and security checks as part of your application. While it is certainly legitimate to express your desire to stay and work in Canada after having completed your studies and your desire to eventually apply for permanent residency (if applicable), the onus is on you
to clearly demonstrate, in the application process for your study permit, that if unsuccessful in applying for these programs, you will then respect the conditions of your study permit and return home at the end of the period authorized for your stay.

For additional information, please refer to:

نبذة عن معرض التعليمى فى كندا الذى أقيم مسبقا فى دولة مصر بالتعاون مع السفارة المصرية و الكندية بالاضافة الى العديد من الجامعات الكندية المصرية و الجامعات و المعاهد الكندية ..
EDU-Canada 2010 Egypt’s 5th Annual Canadian Education Fair

The Canadian Education Fair, EDU-Canada 2010, will be held at the Fairmont Heliopolis & Towers Hotel in Cairo (Oct. 26 and 27), organized by the Embassy of Canada. Twenty Canadian educational institutions will be present to showcase the best in Canadian education opportunities for Egyptians.

This year, EDU-Canada is held under principal sponsorship from the Canadian International College in Egypt. The goals of the event are to expose Egyptian students interested in studying Canadian curricula either in Canada or here in Egypt as well as to assist Canadian and Egyptian institutions to establish partnerships and joint programs.

Last EDU-Canada Fair drew over ten thousand visitors on the strength of Canada’s proven track record for providing world class education at a reasonable cost to foreign students.

The Fair will be inaugurated on Tuesday, October 26 at 10:00 am. It will be open to the public from 10:00 am. to 2:00 pm. and from 4:00 pm. to 8 pm on October 26 and 27.

The Canadian participants to the EDU-Canada 2010 Fair will also be visiting select International schools on October 24 and 25.

In addition, the Fair is an exciting forum for innovation where many educational partnerships are launched between Canadian and Egyptian academic institutions

The Canadian Embassy in Cairo Website:
Study in Canada Website: www.educationau-incanada.c

For more information please contact Edu-Canada at the Canadian Embassy via email:

You can visit our website for more information

بعض الصحف تكلم عن المعرض الكندى

وجهة نظر مدونة " عرب كندا " عن المعرض الكندى الذى أقيم فى مصر , 

المعرض الكندى كان فى قمة الروعة و الجمال و كان هناك العديد من الأساتذة العرب و المصريين من مختلف أرجاء الوطن العربيى بلاضافة الى ممثلين من جامعات كنديين قدمو برامج تدريبية و دراسية فى مختلف الجامعات , هناك العديد من الأسئلة التى قام العديد من الطلاب المصريين بطرحها و منها "

ٍس : هل هناك منح من الجامعات الكندية ؟ 

الاجابة : المنح يتم تفضيلها للطلاب الكنديين الذين يعيشوف فى كندا فلهم الأفضلية و الأسبقية فى الحصول على تلك المنح , أما اذا كان الطالب الأجنبى ذو كفاءة عالية و جودة مرتفعة و استطاع أن يثبت ذلك , فيتم منحة منحة من أحدى الجامعات الكندية , لكن هذا طبعا بعد مراسلة الجامعة بفترة 
لا تقل عن 18 شهر على الأقل .

هناك العديد من الطلاب المتقدمين لا يريدون الدراسة فقط فى كندا , يريدون ايضا الاقامة و الحصول على الجنسية الكندية , الرد يستطيع الطالب أن يأخذ معادلة أو شهادة لمدة سنتيين من أحدى الجامعات , على سبيل المثال : طالب خريج احدى كليات ادارة الأعمال و المحاسبة , يستطيع أن يحصل على شهادة ( MBA ) من أحدى الجامعات الكندية و بعد ذلك يستطيع العمل فى مجال عملة و بعد ثلاثة سنوات يتقدم الى الجنسية و حقة فى الحصول على الجنسية الكندية و الاقامة فى كندا . " ملحوظة كندا من الدول التى تميز بالاجراءات السهلة و السريعة و البسيطة " لكن عليك أن تكوون صادق و امين فى التعامل مع الممثليين الكنديين .

رسول الله صلى الله علية و سلم كان يتميز بالصدق و الأمانة , فهو الصادق و الأمين و تعلمنا ذلك من مدرسة الحبيب المصطفى على أفضل الصلاة و السلام .

طبعا الدراسة فى كندا باهظة المصاريف و التكاليف , يمكنك أن  تحصل على المزيد من المعلومات من خلال البحث فى مدونة " عرب كندا " .

ننتظر مشاركتكم يا أهل العرب و ربنا يوفقنا جميعا باذن الله و احنا تحت أمركم لأى استفسار , و يارمرحب بيكم فى كندا , لكن فى تنوية حبيين نوجها لكل الزائرين ..

و هى 

اذا أكتسبت خبرة و تعرف على معلومة شاركنا بيها حتى تعمن الفائدة على الجميع , ولا تنسى وطنك الحبييب و هو الوطن العربى , ساهم فى نشر العلم و المعرفة فى الوطن العربى و شارك أبناء الوطن العربى .

تحيتنا للجميع و بالتوفيق و النجاح للجميع 


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