Sunday, 27 February 2011

اللغة من أهم متطلبات الهجرة و العمل فى كندا

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاتة , تحية طيبة للجميع , طبعا اللغة من أهم متطلبات الهجرة الى كندا و خاصة للمهاجرين الجدد الى كندا , و اللغة سواء كانت ( الانجليزية - الفرنسية ) من المتطلبات الأساسية للهجرة الى كندا و أيضا العمل فى كندا.

- هل اللغة الانجليزية أهم أم اللغة الفرنسية ؟ 
طبعا اللغة الانجليزية لغة عالمية و هى أساسية أما اللغة الفرنسية فقط لمهاجرى مقاطعة     " كيبيك"  , لكن طبعا لو معاك اللغتين ( الانجليزية و الفرنسية ) سوف يرفع من رصيد نقاطك للهجرة الى كندا .

- مهم جدا جدا أن مستواك فى اللغة الانجليزية يبقى متقدم جدا , لأن طبعا المهاجرين الى كندا عن التقدم الى وظيفة و اللغة الانجليزية مستواها غير جيد فهذا سوف يجعل صاحب العمل لا يستطيع التواصل على المتقدم للوظيفة , مما يجعلة يستبعدة من العمل .

- الانترنت هو الوسيلة الوحيدة لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية , طبعا الانترنت مهم جدا و مصدر هام لكل باحث و دارس و أى شخص حلو العالم , الأن المنظمات الحكومية و الجامعات و الشركات ..... لديها موقع على الانترنت , هناك ألاف المواقع تساعدك على تعلم اللغة الانجليزية بدون الحاجة الى كورسات أو دورات فى مراكز , الانترنت أفضل و أقوى وسيلة للتعلم و الدراسة فى وقتنا الحاضر و المستقبل .

-الأن أصبحت اللغة الانجليزية أو الفرنسية من المتطلبات للهجرة الأساسية الى كندا .

اليكم مقالة باللغة الانجليزية مقتبسة من موق الهجرة الى كندا تفيد بأهمية اللغة ( الانجليزية أو الفرنسية) لكن طبعا الانجليزية على وجهة الخصوص بالنسبة للمهاجرين الى كندا :

Changes to proof of language requirements will help better position newcomers to adapt to Canada’s labour market

One of the most important factors contributing to an immigrant’s economic success is the ability to speak one of Canada’s official languages. Under changes to the Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) Program and the Canadian Experience Class, all new applicants are required to include the results of an English or French language test as part of their application. The language requirements themselves, however, are not changing.
Previously, applicants had the option of proving their language ability through a language test or a written submission. The written submission was intended for people whose first language was English or French. However, non-native English and French speakers frequently used this option – in many cases, using someone else’s writing sample – making it difficult for visa officers to perform an accurate assessment of the applicant’s true language ability.
An independent language test is the fairest, most transparent, objective, consistent and accurate way to evaluate an applicant’s language skills. Language ability will be assessed by accredited testing agencies rather than the visa officer. All applicants are evaluated against the same standards, no matter what their language of origin, nationality or ethnicity.
The change is intended to benefit both immigrants and Canada’s economy by improving the outcomes for newcomers. Research has shown that language proficiency is a key determinant of an immigrant’s labour market success. A 2005 Statistics Canada study found that employment rates for immigrants increased with their ability to speak English and that language proficiency had the biggest impact on their ability to find employment in a high-skilled job or in their intended field.
In addition, skilled workers admitted to Canada under new selection criteria introduced with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) have employment earnings that are as high as double those of skilled workers admitted under the old selection criteria. Much of the increase in wages is attributed to the greater emphasis on stronger official language skills under the selection criteria that accompanied IRPA.
This change also brings Canadian requirements for proof of language proficiency closer to those of other countries. Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, Canada’s main competitors for skilled workers, all require the results of an independent language test. The strong performance of skilled worker immigrants in these countries has been attributed in part to their stringent language requirements.
With the results of a language test, FSW applicants will know before they apply exactly how many points they will be awarded for language ability on the federal skilled worker selection grid. Canadian Experience Class applicants will also know in advance if they meet the minimum language requirements necessary as part of their application. In keeping with the Action Plan for Faster Immigration, processing times are expected to improve because the visa officer simply assigns points based on the language test result instead of taking the time to review a written submission. Finally, many regulatory bodies and industry sectors require language testing or other proof of language assessment, so in taking the test, applicants are one step further on the path to integration into the Canadian labour market.

Skilled workers and professionals: Who can apply—Selection factors

Language testing

You must provide proof of language proficiency by tak ing a language test from an agency designated by CIC. With your test results, you will be able to see exactly how many points you will receive for the language selection factor.
You must
  • Make arrangements for testing by a CIC-designated agency. You will have to pay the costs.
  • Include the results of your test with your immigration application.
Note: If you do not include your test results with your application, it will not be processed and will be returned to you.
Do not request that your language test result be sent directly to the Centralized Intake Office . Submit your original test result with your complete application.
What happens next
  • You can use the equivalency charts to see exactly how many points you will earn based on your test results.
  • The test results will be used by CIC as conclusive proof of your language proficiency.
  • You can use language test results for two years from the time you took the test.

دة عبارة عن الامتحانات المهمة جدا و من متطلبات الهجرة الى كندا : اليكم كل المعلومات باللغة الانجليزية و هى هامة و من متطلبات الهجرة الأساسية الى كندا: 

Designated language tests

You can arrange to take a language test from any of the following designated agencies.
Note: IELTS has two options for the reading and writing tests: “General Training” and “Academic.” You must take the “General Training” option.
Note: CELPIP has two tests: "CELPIP-General (CELPIP-G)" and "CELPIP-Academic (CELPIP-A)." You must take the "CELPIP-G" test.
Note: You must submit results from the following TEF tests as proof of your French language proficiency:
  • compréhension écrite
  • compréhension orale
  • expression écrite
  • expression orale


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