السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاتة , تحية طيبة للجميع , كثير من المهاجرين الى كندا يستفسرون بالحصول على معلومات حول المحامون و ممثلى الهجرة الى كندا و مكاتب الاستشارات الى كندا ....
خلاصة الموضوع أن مكاتب الهجرة و ممثلى و محامون الهجرة الى كندا , كل ما يقومون بة هو تنظيم أوراق الهجرة و ملئ البيانات و ارسالها الى مكتب الهجرة و المواطنة فى كندا المسئول عن شئون المهاجرين الى كندا .
الموقع الرسمى للهجرة الى كندا و كل ما يخص أوراق الهجرة الى كندا و كل المعلومات حول الهجرة الى كندا على هذا العنوان
يمكن لأى مهاجر جديد الى كندا أن يقوم بتجهيز أوراق الهجرة بنفسة من خلال هذا الموقع و يوفر هذة الأموال الطائلة , فمعظم مكاتب الهجرة و ممثلى الهجرة يتقاضون حوالى من 2000 - 4000 دولار فى مقابل تجهيز فقط الأوراق للهجرة , لا تصدق بأنة يقوم بالتلاعب بأوراق الهجرة و أنة بامكانة تجهيز الورق و اعطائة أولوية ( هذا يعتبر غش ) و الحكومة الكندية " شئون الهجرة و المواطنة " تساوى بين جميع الطلبات المقدمة و لا توجد هناك أولوية فجميع المتقدمين متساوون فى طلباتهم .
لكن هااام جدا جدا , عليك بمراجهة دليل " عرب كندا " و ابحث من خلال مربع البحث حول كيفية اعداد ملف الهجرة بدون الاستعانة بمكتب محامى الهجرة , و قم بدراسة موضوع الهجرة بشكل صحيح و تعرف على جميع جوانب الهجرة و كيفية اعداد ملف الهجرة و ما هى الأوراق و المستندات المطلوبة مع العلم بأن كل شئ متعلق بكندا أو أى دولة فى العالم أصبح يتم الأنت من خلال الانترنت , لذلك عليك بدراسة موضوع الهجرة بشكل جيد و سليم حتى يتسنى لك معرفة كل جوانب موضوع الهجرة الى كندا و ما هى اجابيات و سلبيات الهجرة الى كندا , ( وفر مبالغ مكاتب الهجرة لأنك سوف تحتاج الى هذة الأموال فى كندا ) .
عرب كندا أول و اكبر دليل عربى على الانترنت لكل المهاجرين الى كندا و المقيمين فى كندا يحتوى على الألاف من المواضيع الهامة و المتعلقة بكندا . شاركونا تعليقاتكم على هذا الموضوع , لنستكمل باقى الموضوع و نطرح العديد من الأسئلة التى تدور فى أذهان المهاجر الجديد الى كندا .
من خلال الانترنت العالم بين يديك
Immigration consultants, lawyers, and other representatives: Frequently asked questions
1- هل أنا أحتاج الى مستشار للهجرة الى كندا لكى يساعدنى على تجهيز أوراق و مستندات الهجرة الى كندا ؟
ج) لا , الحكومة الكندية تعامل الجميع بالتساوى بمعنى أنها تعامل مع جميع الطلبات المقدمة بالتساوى , و لا تنظر الى طلبات معينة .
جميع المعلومات التى تحتاجها للهجرة الى كندا و أوراق الهجرة موجودة على موقع الهجرة و المواطنة فى كندا و هو موقع رسمى كندى حكومى على هذا العنوان
جميع المعلومات متاحة مجانا
اذا اتبعت التعليمات سوف تتعرف على المزيد و المزيد ,
لكن اذا أردت أن تستعين بمكتب و محامى للهجرة الى كندا عليك أولا الانتباة الى الأتى ( لا تدفع اى رسوم أو مصايف الا بعد حصولك على التأشيرة الرسمية للهجرة الى كندا )
اليك معلومات هامة من الحكومة الكندية الرسمية :
Immigration consultants, lawyers, and other representatives are people who offer immigration advice or assistance to visa applicants. Some applicants may choose to use a consultant to act on their behalf with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), the Immigration and Refugee Board or the Canada Border Services Agency.
There are two types of immigration consultants: paid and unpaid.
Paid immigration consultants
Only the following people may charge a fee to represent or advise you on immigration and refugee matters with the Government of Canada:
- lawyers who are members in good standing of a Canadian provincial or territorial law society
- Immigration consultants who are members in good standing of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants, and
- notaries who are members in good standing of theChambre des notaires du Québec
The Government of Canada will not deal with non-authorized consultants who charge a fee for their service.
Unpaid immigration consultants
A person or organization who does not charge a fee for their service may also represent you.
For example:
- a family member or friend
- a member of a non-governmental or religious organization
To protect your privacy, CIC will not share any of your personal information with your consultant, lawyer, and other representative unless you provide your written consent using the Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) form.
Other people who offer immigration advice or assistance
People who provide immigration-related advice or assistance for a fee before the application is filed are not obliged to be authorized consultants. However, be aware that non-authorized consultants, lawyers, and other representatives or advisors are not regulated. This means that they may not have adequate knowledge or training. It also means that you cannot seek help from the professional bodies (that is, the law societies, CSIC, etc.) if that person provides you with the wrong advice or behaves in an unprofessional way.
Tips on choosing one
It is your decision whether or not to use an immigration consultant, lawyer, or other representative. No immigration consultant has special access to our programs and services and no one can guarantee you a visa.
All the forms and guides you need to apply for any type of visa are available for free on this website.
Choosing a consultant:
- Ask for recommendations from people you trust. Talk to several potential advisers before choosing one.
- Ask about their training and experience:
- find out if they are authorized
- ask for references
- find out how long they have been in business.
- Discuss what services they will provide and the fee. Get this information in writing.
- Ask questions. You should be wary of a consultant who refuses to answer your questions.
- Be careful of anything that sounds too good to be true.
- If you are choosing a consultant in Canada, you can also contact the Better Business Bureau before making your choice. They can tell you if any complaints have been raised against immigration consultants, lawyers, and other representatives that operate in Canada.
Once you have chosen a consultant:
- Make sure you get a written contract—read it carefully before you sign it. Make sure that all the promised services are listed and the fee is clearly set out.
- Do not leave original documents or photos with the consultant.
- Do not sign blank application forms. If the consultant has forms or documents for you to sign, do not sign them unless you are able to read them. If you don’t understand them, bring someone with you to translate. Make sure to get copies of any documents that are prepared for you.
- Any time you make a payment, get a signed receipt.
- Make sure your consultant updates you on your application on a regular basis.
- If you change your mind about your consultant, you do not have to continue with them. You can change your consultant at any time or deal directly with the visa office or the in-Canada immigration office yourself. If you change your consultant, you must notify CIC.
- You must provide your consultant, lawyer, or other representative’s name and contact information on yourapplication form whether they are paid or not. If your consultant says that this is not necessary, this is false. You should verify the accuracy of your consultant’s advice.
- If you appoint a paid consultant, lawyer, or other representative who is not a member of one of the designated bodies, your application will be returned.
Note: The Government of Canada will never ask you to deposit money into a personal bank account or to transfer money through a specific private money transfer company.
Remember—you are responsible for all the information in your application It is against the law to give false or misleading information to Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
- If the information on your application is false or misleading, this is against the law and you may be refused entry to Canada or be deported from Canada after you arrive.
- Immigration consultants who tell you to provide false or misleading information are also breaking the law.
Processing fees are the same at all Canadian visa offices around the world. Fees are in Canadian currency. Check the website for the visa office you are dealing with to get details on the form of payment.
If you are in Canada, you can also contact the call centre at 1‑888‑242‑2100 for guidelines on how to apply. To protect your privacy, you must provide written consent to CIC before any personal information may be shared with your consultant.
2- هل اذا استعنت بمكتب أو بمحامى هجرة الى كندا هل سوف يكون طلبى المقدم من خلالة مميز عن باقى الطلبات ؟
ج) لا يوجد فرق أو تمييز بين الطلبات , الطلبات المقدمة متساوية فى التعامل سواء تم تقديمها من خلال مكتب هجرة أو من خلال الشخص نفسة بذاتة .
3- ما هى مصاريف مكتب الهجرة أو ممثلى الهجرة الى كندا و ما هى الرسوم الخاصة بالهجرة ؟
ج) هناك رسوم اساسية و رسمية و هى رسوم ملف التقديم و المستندات و الأوراق المطلوبة للهجرة الى كندا و هى كالتالى :
Immigration consultants, lawyers, and other representatives: Contacts
Canadian provincial and territorial societies
To find out if an immigration consultant, lawyer, or other representative is licensed to represent you or provide immigration advice, you must first know which of these organizations they belong to:
- a Canadian provincial or territorial law society
- the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants
- the Chambre des notaires du Québec
Provincial and territorial law societies – Membership validation service
Law Society of British Columbia
Membership Directory:alt.lawsociety.bc.ca/lkup/mbr_search.cfm
E-mail: memberinfo@lsbc.org
Membership Directory:alt.lawsociety.bc.ca/lkup/mbr_search.cfm
E-mail: memberinfo@lsbc.org
Law Society of Alberta
Membership Directory:www.lawsociety.ab.ca/extra/lawyer_directory.aspx
E-mail: membership@lawsocietyalberta.com
Membership Directory:www.lawsociety.ab.ca/extra/lawyer_directory.aspx
E-mail: membership@lawsocietyalberta.com
Law Society of Saskatchewan
Membership Directory:secure.alinity.com/LSS/webclient/RegistrantDirectory.aspx
E-mail: reception@lawsociety.sk.ca
Membership Directory:secure.alinity.com/LSS/webclient/RegistrantDirectory.aspx
E-mail: reception@lawsociety.sk.ca
Law Society of Manitoba
Membership Directory: www.lawsociety.mb.ca/for-the-public/lawyer-lookup/
E-mail: admin@lawsociety.mb.ca
Membership Directory: www.lawsociety.mb.ca/for-the-public/lawyer-lookup/
E-mail: admin@lawsociety.mb.ca
Law Society of Upper Canada
Membership Directory:www1.lsuc.on.ca/LawyerParalegalDirectory/index.jsp
E-mail: lawsociety@lsuc.on.ca
Membership Directory:www1.lsuc.on.ca/LawyerParalegalDirectory/index.jsp
E-mail: lawsociety@lsuc.on.ca
Law Society of New Brunswick
Membership Directory:
E-mail: general@lawsociety-barreau.nb.ca
Membership Directory:
E-mail: general@lawsociety-barreau.nb.ca
Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society
Membership Directory:
E-mail: info@nsbs.org
Membership Directory:
E-mail: info@nsbs.org
Law Society of Prince Edward Island
E-mail: jwyatt@lspei.pe.ca
E-mail: jwyatt@lspei.pe.ca
Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador
Membership Directory:
E-mail: janice.whitman@lawsociety.nf.ca
Membership Directory:
E-mail: janice.whitman@lawsociety.nf.ca
Law Society of Yukon
Membership Directory:www.lawsocietyyukon.com/membership.phpE-mail: info@lawsocietyyukon.com
Membership Directory:www.lawsocietyyukon.com/membership.phpE-mail: info@lawsocietyyukon.com
Law Society of the Northwest Territories
Membership Directory:www.lawsociety.nt.ca/MemberInformation
E-mail: LSNT@TheEdge.ca or lawsocnt@lawsociety.nt.ca
Membership Directory:www.lawsociety.nt.ca/MemberInformation
E-mail: LSNT@TheEdge.ca or lawsocnt@lawsociety.nt.ca
Law Society of Nunavut
Membership Directory: http://lawsociety.nu.ca/members.html
E-mail: lawsociety@qiniq.com
Membership Directory: http://lawsociety.nu.ca/members.html
E-mail: lawsociety@qiniq.com
Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants – Membership validation service
Website: www.csic-scci.ca
Membership Directory: www.csic-scci.ca/find/all.html
E-mail: information@csic-scci.ca
Membership Directory: www.csic-scci.ca/find/all.html
E-mail: information@csic-scci.ca
Chambre des notaires du Québec – Membership validation service
Website: www.cdnq.org/en
E-mail: information@cdnq.org
E-mail: information@cdnq.org
المزيد من الأسئلة تم طرحها باللغة الانجليزية ,
What could happen if I do not inform Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) that I paid a consultant?
It is against the law to give false or misleading information to the Government of Canada. If you choose not to disclose the name of your consultant to CIC or the Canada Border Services Agency, your application may be returned or you may be refused entry to Canada.
Immigration consultants who advise you to provide false or misleading information are also breaking the law.
These regulations refer to the federal immigration application process. Each province has its own procedures for dealing with immigration consultants. Check with the province to which you applied to find out if there are any restrictions on immigration consultants, lawyers, and other representatives for the provincial application process.
Yes. You must notify CIC immediately if you change your consultant. To notify CIC, complete a new Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) form and send it to the office processing your file. You can change your consultant at any time. You may also decide to deal directly with the visa office or the in-Canada immigration office yourself.
What should I do if Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) returns my application saying that my consultant is not authorized to represent me?
If you receive a letter from CIC stating that the status of your authorized consultant, lawyer, or other representative cannot be verified – that they are a member of a provincial or territorial law society, the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants or the Chambre des notaires du Québec – re-submit your application to that CIC office as soon as possible, with proof of your consultant’s status (for example, a photocopy of their membership card).
If you find out that your consultant, lawyer, or other representative is not authorized by one of the regulatory bodies, you may choose another consultant or you may proceed to apply on your own.
If you have problems with your consultant which cannot be resolved, you should file a complaint with the appropriate authorities as soon as possible.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada does not get involved in disputes between applicants and their consultants.
Can I use the services of non-authorized person to provide advice or assistance with my application before I submit it?
You are only required to use an authorized consultant once the application has been submitted. However, be aware that non-authorized consultants or advisors are not regulated. This means that they may not have adequate knowledge or training. It also means you cannot seek help from the professional bodies (that is, the law societies, CSIC, etc.) if that person provides you with the wrong advice or behaves in an unprofessional way.
Once your application is submitted, CIC will only deal with a consultant, lawyer, or other representative who is a member in good standing of a Canadian provincial or territorial law society, the Chambre des notaires du Québec, or the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants.
There are currently no restrictions on who may represent you on your citizenship application.
ما تعليقك و رأيك حول هذا الموضوع ؟ شاركونا تعليقاتكم , بالتوفيق للجميع و جزاكم الله كل خير
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